Oh, to be in England, / Now that April’s there": Nature as a Metaphor of Longing for the Homeland in Robert Browning's "Home-Thoughts, from Abroad"

نوع المستند : بحوث علمية محکمة


كلية الآداب جامعة الوادي الجديد


This paper examines Robert Browning's treatment of nature in 'Home-Thoughts, from Abroad', showing how the natural world and its elements in the poem reflect the poet's nostalgia for England, his motherland. The paper begins with an introduction that briefly sheds light on Browning as a prominent Victorian poet with a Romantic passion, his literary career, and personal life, particularly his marriage and travel to Italy that kept him homesick. In addition, a theoretical background about nature in Browning's poetry is given, revealing how the poet fondly followed the example of the great Romantic predecessors but at the same time differed from them in his way of handling nature and interacting with its beauties. Then, the researcher provides a detailed analysis of 'Home-Thoughts, from Abroad', explaining how the images of nature in the poem convey Browning's message and reflect the longing for his native land.

Keywords: Nature, Romanticism, nostalgia, longing, homeland, Robert Browning, 'Home-Thoughts, from Abroad

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